Régine Crespin sings the great final aria from Gounod's rarely-heard opera SAPHO:
Régine Crespin - O ma lyre immortelle ~ SAPHO
"O my immortal lyre,
often when tears I have shed...
My voice has been the portal
thru which my sorrows fled.
In vain now does your sweet murmur
Seek to console me in my sadness
No, you cannot heal this final wound -
a wound deep in my heart,
Only death can end my despair.
Farewell, flame of the world!
Sink down to the bosom of the sea.
Myself, I shall descend into the depths
to my eternal rest.
Another day, Faone,
will dawn for you.
But you will not think of me
As you watch the sun arise.
Open now, bitter sea,
open now!
I shall sleep forever
beneath the waves."
~ She flings herself into the ocean.