Above: Tawny Chapman with CONTINUUM's Donna Salgado, Vanessa Salgado, Courtney Sauls, Laura DiOrio, and Dorrie Garland
Wednesday January 21st, 2015 - Backhausdance, a California-based company, performed at Joyce SoHo (boy, do I miss that place!) in 2010. I liked their programme a lot, and so I was glad today to have a chance to meet Tawny Chapman from Backhausdance while she's in NYC as artist-in-residence at Donna Salgado's CONTINUUM Contemporary Ballet.
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau. That quote was a springboard to what Tawny and the CONTINUUM dancers were working on, constructing signature phrases that evolved into dance.
Dorrie Garland and Courtney Sauls
Vanessa Salgado
Laura DiOrio
Courtney Sauls
The group
Dorrie and Courtney worked together on a duet created to be danced in a very limited space. Some photos from this duet may be found in this Facebook album.
Backhausdance will be performing at the Schimmel Center in New York City on February 27th and 28th, 2015. Details here. Very much worth seeing!