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I didn't know about Nicole doing the Paris RING! That's fantastic! Congrats Nicole!

Philipe Jordan can be exhausting to watch. He dances on the podium. Can he sustain that energy level through the RING?


I probably had not mentioned this because I wanted to be sure the contracts were signed before I said anything. But it now appears on her agent's website so it's official!


The Paris Ring casting is up at the website -- http://www.operadeparis.fr/.

I got to know Nicole when she was a student at the Academy of Vocal Arts where she sang an intense Klytemnestra and a beautiful Erda. I'm so very happy when I see her name in casting lists in major houses.


Yes, Nicole's career is really taking off. I am truly happy for her.


Actually, Philip, I found your website because I have a Google alert for Nicole and your posting on her was sent to my email.

Enjoying the site and particularly getting to know the dance world.


Thanks so much!!!! It's nice to know I'm still thought about even though I'm not singing in The States.
I'm really looking forward to The Paris Ring!!


To be honest, Nicole, I think about you every day...really!

Hope the Paris RING will be broadcast and issued on DVD.

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