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I remember PRISM very well and I also remember that I liked it a lot. And of course, I especially remember Maria's long red-slitted skirt. That is definitely one of those ballets that are due for a return to the repertory.

One ballet that has been missing from the repertory for a long, long time and that I would love to see again is Robbins' GERSHWIN CONCERTO. I still have vivid memories of the original cast - Darci Kistler, Christopher d'Amboise, Maria Calegari, and Mel Tomlinson. And the musical score (Concerto in F) is one of Gershwin's greatest compositions. Maybe they will bring it back for the Spring Robbins Festival.


Yes, I remember the Gershwin/Robbins and would like to see it again. The neglected Robbins piece I am most anxious to see revived is AN EVENING'S WALTZES.

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