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I'm really sorry I missed those debuts. NYCB has always had marvelous dancers but can you recall a time in the company's history when there was this much depth of talent at the soloist and corps levels?


It's a wonderful time for NYCB with so many interesting & attractive dancers coming up the ranks. My only concern is the continuing injury rate which seems pretty high to me. Has it always been this way?


I suspect it has but I really can't make a definitive judgment because years ago, I never really kept a close watch on injuries at the soloist and corps levels.


Yeah! I am so happy to hear the debuts went well! Congrats to Sara and Erica - I can't wait to see more of them in the upcoming months!!


Laura, we have so much to look forward to from Sara and Erica...and they are only two of the many up-and-coming dancers now at City Ballet. It's an exciting time.

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